Ukraine Russia War

Documenting the war from Ukrainian perspective with attention to the russian equipment losses


UA Air Force

A pair of Ukrainian Mi-8 transport helicopters flying at ground level in the area of operations

UA Army Toys

HIMARS have arrived to Ukraine.


Ukrainian soldiers seen riding in ‘Husky’ tactical support vehicles, supplied as part of British military aid to Ukraine

152.4 mm 2S3 Akatsiya of the Soviet era self-propelled gun-howitzer in service with 92nd brigade. Developed in 1968, 1971 in service. Rare specimens in the Ukrainian army. Wiki writes about 501 pieces, but very rarely seen on video


Video of a captured Russian BMD-4M

Another modern T-72B3 obr. 2016 tank operated by Ukrainian forces, previously captured from the Russian army.


Ukrainian 56th Motorized Brigade’s artillery struck 2 warehouses used by the Russian army to store equipment, while one was damaged the other caught fire.

Ukrainian soldiers strike Russian BTR from Stugna-P ATGM

This is how the artillerymen of the Azov SSO work

Another Ukrainian Skif ATGM strike, this time against a Russian BTR APC

Aerorozvidka R-18 UAV dropping munitions on a Russian BMP

Ukrainian soldiers destroys Russian tanks from Stugna-P ATGM. Tiktok ivantyma

Ukrainian artillery shell landing on a Russian position.

BM-21s Grad salvo hit well Russian equipment. Operational Command South

Ukrainian SSO (SOF) showed Msta-B 152mm howitzers of the RU Army being struck being struck by drone-corrected indirect fire.

Russian BTR-82 hit by a Ukrainian Stugna-P

Ukrainian 56th Motorized Brigade’s artillery struck 2 warehouses used by the Russian army to store equipment, while one was damaged the other caught fire.

Video from the Ukrainian MoD on the work of aerial reconnaissance units with footage of the ammunition dropping and the strikes on Russian equipment and military forces


Battle group K2 54 OMBr destroys russian positions in Donetsk region.


The Ukrainian 93rd Mechanized Brigade inflicts losses on Russian forces in Kharkiv Oblast.

In total the Russian side lost 3 BTRs, 3 IFVs in addition to an armoured vehicle.





The Ukrainian 40th Separate Artillery Brigade destroyed a Russian BMP with artillery fire in in Kharkiv Oblast.


Russian defensive positions in the Kherson region, equipment buried in the ground

Russian Tigr IMV did not hide from Ukrainian artillery

Artillery of the 63rd brigade in cooperation with aerial reconnaissance of the 36th separate Marine brigade destroyed a Russian tank in the Kherson region


Near the southern bridge connecting Lysychansk and Severodonetsk in East Ukraine, from a few days ago.

Video of a Ukrainian tank in Severodonetsk.

Footage of foreign legionnaires during the fight in Severodonetsk.






Video of the explosion in the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation.